25 Mei 2008

Korosi Pada Baja


    1. Latar belakang

Pada saat sekarang ini kebutuhan masyarakat dan pengembangan industri akan menyediakan energi listrik,maka Pemerintah telah menempuh berbagai upaya dengan mendirikan berbagai macam mesin pembangkit lisrik tenaga air yang digerakkan oleh turbin.turbin penyerap tenaga air dari fluida dan menghasilkan daya.tenaga air diserap oleh bagian esensial dari turbin yang disebut roda jalan yang pada bagiankelilingnya dilengkapi dengan sudu-sudu.

Baja plat merupakan bahan utama dari sudu-sudu turbin air akan menghadapi berbagai macam lingkungan baik selama tahap pembuatannya maupun kelak harus menjalankan tugasnya sehari-hari sehingga mudah diserang korosi.Proses korosi pada bagian baja plat tidak dapat dicegah sepenuhnya,karena proses korosi adalah alami yang kompleks yang menyangkut berbagai bidang keilmuwan seperti kimia,fisika,metalurgi yang dapat kita lakukan adalah mengurangi laju korosinya,sehingga mempunyai masa pakai yang cukup lama.
Penanggulangan masalah korosi dapat ditempuh dengan berbagai macam cara untuk menanggulanginya antara lain:
Seleksi material dengan pengujian materi tersebut berada pada medium korosi tertentu.

Berdasarkan hal itu diatas penulis mencoba menganalisa korosi pada plat baja pada sudu-sudu turbin.

    1. Tujuan Penelitian

Tujuan yang hendak dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis dan laju korosi yang terjadi pada baja plat dari sudu-sudu turbin air.

    1. Batasan Masalah

Dalam penelitian ini umumnya digunakan tempat,dimana adanya sirkulasi air serta kecepatan aliran air yang mengakibatkan korosi dan terjadi pada hampir semua jenis logam dan paduannya serta berbagai kondisi lingkungan.pada penelitian ini diadakan pembatasan masalah,ukuran sudu dan roda turbin air pada pengujian korosi saja.

    1. Manfaat Penelitian

a.Salah satu pembanding untuk mengevaluasi penelitian serupa yang mungkin dilaksanakan pada masa mendatang.

b.Untuk mengetahui pemilihan bahan-bahan yang tepat untuk sudu-sudu turbin air

c.Bahan informasi tentang laju korosi dan tipe-tipe korosi pada baja plat oleh pengaruh air sumur.

control unit of crane


Crane component

Main girder

Single girder bridge crane with one main girder or rolled or box type section

Two-girder bridge crane with one main girder of box-type section

Running-gear girder

Running gear girders consist of automatically welded box-type section. Geometrically exact whell positions are assured by mechanical treatment of the wheel bearings and the main girder connecting surfaces on cnc machining centers in one operation.

Cellular plastic buffers at the running-gear girder buffer plates provide for a soft absorption of the kinetic energy. The connection between main and running-gear girders consists of highly resistant screws which must be prestressed with a defined tightening torque.

Travelling mechanisms

Travelling mechanisms consist or directly driven running wheels with rolling bearing and lifetime lubrications. The whell body was cast of spheroidal cast iron, it has a low rate of wear and self-lubricating. The running wheel bearing is easy to install and maintenance-free.

Travelling gears

For details please refer to the operating instructions for travelling gears and the component lists for slip-on travelling gears.

Rail trolleys SWFcompact

Single-rail trolleys of standar and short type as well as two-rail trolleys SWFcompact with electric travelling mechanisms supported in rolling bearings.

The crane trolleys may be equipped with the foollowing lifting appliances:

SWF-electric chain hoists LK

SWF-electric cable pulls SWFcompact.

Power supply line

The cross sections for the power supply line from the sub-main distribution over the power supply switch to the contact wire supply are to be determined by the owner.

The power supply line must be rated so that the voltage at the contact wire supply does not drop to below the lower value of the voltage area without utilizing the 5% tolerance.

Power supply switch

The power supply switch is arranged outside the crane system which servers to separate the main power supply for the purpose or repair and maintenance operations. If required, this switch may also be used in case of EMERGENCY-OFF switchings or emergency stop.

You may purchase tjis accessory from SWF.

Isolating Switch

The task of the isolating switch, Viz. to disconnect the lifting appliance for maintenance and repair operations is realized via a main switch cabinet.

Crane switch (master contractor)

It is the task of the crane switch cabinet directly behind the main switch and realized by a contractor, to separate the energy supply to all movement drives in case of EMERGENCY STOP.

Contact wire

For the area of the trolleys, the SWF safety contact wire KSL will be used. Four copper bars, the contact wire is laid parallel to the trolley track by means of fastening brackets. Suspension distance ≤2000 mm.

AThe contact wire is determined by service conditions admissible thermal loads and admissible voltage drop.

Due to the starting currents of lifting appliance motors started across the line, the voltage drop must be carefully rated.

Switch cabinet

The switch cabinet is normally attached to the retaining arms of the power supply and has the enclosure IP 55.

The main fuse is designed as NH fusible cutout. At the primary and secondary ends, the control transformers is protected by a power circuit breaker according to the transformer power.

To prevent inching in the hoisting gear, a time lag (0,5 sec) is provided in front of the change-over contractors, motors and the mechanical system.

Switch cabinets are generally mounted with channel wiring on a mounting plate.

Crane travel limit switch

The so called preparatory power down, i.e reducing the speed to the slow running step is the usual procedure. Thus, the crane is prevented from running against the crane way bundary at high speed and the load from swinging heavily.

Final power down i.e braking down to standstill is provided in case of an increased safety risk or specially required safety connections. A limit switch for both travelling directions stops the respective travelling motion. Return is possible with the opposite travelling motion.

Movable control

The movement drives are controlled via two-stage keys with spring return. It is recommended to perform positioning tasks with the first stage. Frequent inching will damage motors and switching devices.

Through mechanical locking of the switching elements, simultaneous actuation of the control keys in opposite direction is prevented.

Pandent contol board


The pole-changing motor is controlled via the two-stage switching elements with safety noticeable switching points. A mechanical interlocking in the pendent control board prevents simultaneous actuation of two opposed moving directions.

Inching operations are forbidden. The result in heavy contact consumption and premature wear.

Emergency off

By means of the red mushroom key, the EMERGENCY OFF function demanded in VDEO100, part 726, is realized from the ground and from the operator’s location.

By depressing the mushroom key, EMERGENCY OFF is released, reclosing by turning to the left.

EMERGENCY-OFF must be released in case of the following operating conditons.

Whenever the movement drives of the more follow the normal control commands as a result of which dangers may be brought about.

Whenever the crane operator leaves the control stand.


The main fuse is designed as a fusible NH cutout. For screw plug fuses to be exchanged, screw out protection cap, exchange fusible plug, screw in proective cap again. The control circuit is earthed by a power circuit braker.


The reference points for the travelling directions of crane and trolley must be exactly coordinated for traveling cranes with remote radio control so as to assure safe crane operation.

For the radio control, the separate operating instructions of the manufacturer must be complied with.

Travelling cranes with remote radio control can be operated with the pendent control board as emergency control.